
Inteligent spacies

Species Basic Info

Name People of Duvvicana
Nicknames Duvvicanians
Type Sapient
Average height 160~ cm
Lifespan 200 - 350 years
Diet Omnivore
Native planet Duvvicana
Habitat Duvvicana
Subtypes Unknown
Creation date 24/8/2024

Enviroment and Habitat



Climate and geography

The continent of Duvvicana has varied climats.The continent of Duvvicana has a lot of mountains with forests and jungles, there are also some desserts.


Physical Traits

Not much is known about this yet

Life cycle

Not much is known about this yet

Diet and nutrition

Not much is known about this

Culture and society

Social structure

Not much is known about this

Language ans communication

Not much is known about this...

Values and beliefs

Something to note is that they preffer being called "People of Duvvicana" over "Duvvicanians" as they feel that the latter puts too much importance on them rather than their sacred land.

Technology and Artifacts

Tools and Machines

Not much is known about this...

Art and Architecture

Not much is known about this...

History and Origins

Creation Myth


Key Events

Not much is known about this...

Interactions with Other Species

Allies and Enemies

Not much is known about this...

Trade and Diplomacy

Not much is known about this...

Technology Level

Primitive or Advanced

Not much is known about this...

Energy Sources

Not much is known about this...

Art and Aesthetics

Fashion and Adornments

The people of Duvvicana tend to wear robes and ponchos. One clothing item they all wear is a wig which they call a "crown". The crown is a black wig made of thick black fibers, it has fake ears that cover their real ears. The look of this crown can be personalised for each individual but the most comon pattern is a horizontal strripes of varring colors..

Music, Dance, and Rituals

Not much is known about this...

Conflict and Resolution

Wars and Conflicts

Not much is known about this...

Conflict Resolution

Not much is known about this...

Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

Not much is known about this...

Heroes and Villains

Not much is known about this...

Species history
